Included Features

There's nothing "cookie cutter" or "one size fits all" about our software. Our base package includes 22 features.  You decide which ones you want to use. 

On your settings page, YOU choose which options you want to use for your parish, including calendar layout, calendar contents, reporting options, locations, your "Pro Populo" parish-specific label, maximum intentions per household, and much more. 

The Base Price includes:

  • Mass Scheduling
  • Intention Scheduling and Management
  • Requester Database
  • Easy Export to Bulletin Software
  • Multiple Locations and Languages
  • Permission and Role-based Access
  • Auditors and Offering Reports
  • Celebration Management and Reporting for Weddings, Funerals, Baptisms, Quinceañeras
  • First Communion & Confirmation Scheduling
  • Email and Print Receipts
  • Mass Intention Email Reminders
  • Customizable Settings
  • Embed on your Parish Website
  • Pro Populo Intentions and Dedications
  • Bulk-Add Capability
  • Attendance Tracking/Reporting
  • Novena Tracking
  • Deposit and Credit Card Reconciliation Reports
  • Set Family Maximum Intentions Per Year
  • Grouped Intentions
  • Memorials Management (Flowers, Lamps, and Candle Intentions)
  • Prayer Wall Management
  • Concelebration & Multiple Deacon Scheduling and Roles
  • Penance Service Scheduling (multiple celebrants and stipends)
  • Comprehensive Global Search Tool
  • Custom Calendar Creation Tool: email, embed, or iCal sharing
Celebrations Manager

Sacraments & Celebrations Manager

Parish Management Software by Mass Intentions Online delivers a dynamic record-keeping system that helps to track Baptisms, Weddings, Quinceañeras, Reconciliation, and Funerals. Use it to keep all your information in one place and make it accessible to your staff from any location. The Celebrations Manager includes scheduling, finances, reporting, and communication features.

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Umbrella Parish / Parish Clusters / Pastorates

Our system supports parishes with multiple churches or the Pastor with multiple parishes and churches!  Your site can be built for parish situations with multiple tax IDs or for situations where all churches report under one tax ID. Click "Learn More" below to see a brief video.

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Custom Calendar Creation Tool: Share & Publish Calendars

This tool provides you parish-specific options to make any calendar printed, saved, shared, or embedded on your parish website!

We provide links for you to publish various calendars from our software on your parish website.

You can show your Mass Intentions schedule, your Mass schedule with Celebrants, and your Memorials calendar.

Optional features also have links to embed on your parish website, including the facility and ministry calendars.

Multiple Report Options

We provide several base reports for monthly income from intentions, specific date totals of offerings to reconcile banking deposits, monthly Celebrant stipend reports, date-specific and Celebrant specific stipend reports for balancing stipend payment checks, attendance reports, and more.

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Celebrant Scheduling & Stipend Auto-Adjudication

Concelebrants & Multiple Deacons

Easily manage Masses where there will be more than one Celebrant and/or more than one Deacon participating.  Indicate what role each Deacon will cover using a customizable field.  These features can be turned on and off in settings so that the options only appear when necessary.

Feasts and Holy Days

Fully integrated with your choice of the USCCB or 1962 Traditional Latin Mass calendar.

Our Mass Intentions Online Software fully integrates feasts and holy days designated by the Ordo and the USCCB. All Feasts are marked with the approved Celebrant vestment colors for the day.

The feasts and holy days can be turned on/off on the settings page for the Mass intentions calendar view and the bulletin export file. Ordo is permanently on for the Celebrant Calendar.

Memorial Scheduling

Memorial Scheduling

Record Memorial offerings for intentions on lamps, candles, bread, wine, flowers, and more. Like Mass intentions, all memorial intentions are recorded online and can be included in your bulletin.
Create a new revenue stream for your parish!

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Mass Card Requests

Track a requested Mass Card from the request to the completion (mailing or pickup).

Included as an "option" in your site settings, you indicate if a parishioner wants a Mass card when an intention is entered.

A Seamless Transition!

We can easily import your data from your existing Mass book, desktop-based spreadsheets, or any database!  If it's there, we'll move it for you!  This includes all Masses, all celebrants, all intentions, all offerings, as well as all location and language information.

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